“A Descriptive Cross – Sectional Patient Satisfaction regarding Dietary Services at one of the tertiary care centers in Nepal”


  • Narendra Timalsina


Hospital food service can present especially complex features and is often considered to be the most complicated process in the hospitality sector, with many interrelated factors impinging upon the whole. A descriptive cross-sectional study is carried out to identify the level of satisfaction of patients regarding the dietary services and to identify the components of dietary services that require improvement. The result shows the satisfaction level of patients regarding dietary services, and it is noticed that, out of five hundred (500) respondents, 312 (62.4%) respondents had a good satisfaction level, and 188 (37.6%) respondents had an average satisfaction level regarding the dietary services. In conclusion, the quality and service of the food have a significant impact on the health and happiness of the patient and the patient’s family because of the importance of food in our daily lives. Nutritional intake is one of the critical elements in the recovery of the patient, making the study of healthcare food service of great value.4

Key words: patient satisfaction, dietary services, food service employees.






Healthcare Administration